Ignorance Rears Its Ugly Head
Tonight I watched "Wife Swap". I know, I know...it's no one's idea of "quality" TV, but it can be entertaining watching one woman shoehorn herself into another woman's home. Weird shit happens! Sometimes loosy-goosy folks get a grip and sometimes the ultra-uptight learn to ease up a tad. Well, tonight they swapped a lesbian and a conservative Christian, Republican black woman who is married to a white man. The lesbian, Chris, and her partner ran a pretty loose household. They have a daughter, Lizzie, who probably needs some more structure, but wasn't Satan's spawn by any stretch. The black woman, Christine, scared the living shit out of me! She lives in TX (probably Plano) in a million dollar home, doesn't work, and is the Bible-bearing boot camp instructor in her home. She reminded me of the mom in "Doing Time On Maple Drive" who demanded that her suburban home, husband and 3 kids be perfect. Bitch nearly cracked up when her son (who was engaged to the "perfect" girl) attempted suicide, then revealed that he was gay. Mom was just mortified that the wedding invitations were already out...
To hear Christine literally berating the lesbian couple was horrific. Her husband told Chris while she was there that if their pastor heard of them judging or disrespecting someone because they were different, pastor would be very disappointed. His wife (who apparently feels she's God's handmaiden) was a ranting, raving lunatic. She told Chris's partner that they would get a lot farther in life if they'd just shut their mouths and pretend they're not gay. I was yelling at the screen "Do you pretend you're not black?" "Are you gonna tell your kids to shut up and pass?"
When the couples all came together at the end, Chris asked her why people like Christine (Conservative Christians) feel good about hurting people like her and her partner. She was in tears. I could feel the pain she was carrying around with her, and I give her credit for expressing herself calmly while she tried to explain how she felt. Christine accused her of being a sexual predator, then sat there nodding like she understood when confronted with the statistics that 98% of sexual predators are men, but wouldn't retract her statement. Again, illustrating the Christian Right's position of blissful ignorance.
Frankly, I would have taken the bitch out.
At the end of the show, she and her "perfect" family sat around the table and prayed for Chris and Nikki and Lizzie like she actually gives a shit. Uh huh...right...
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